Monday, August 28, 2006

Sneaky Peek!!!

Crop Box - Countdown 2 Christmas
These two cards below are just a couple of the samples we made this month to show you what you can do with the September crop box 'Countdown 2 Christmas' - we had so much fun with this crop box and even after we have them all ready to go out to crop box subscribers this month we are still making more things using this crop box!! If the samles below have you drooling already then click here to go to our online store and order your own crop box!!
Card Swap
We sent out our card swap on Friday - it was lots of fun, lots of cool cards were swapped and lots of inspiration swapped too, if you want to take a look a the cards that were swapped you can see them here in our gallery.
Lesson On Line
This weeks lesson on line is a very chic embroidered layout designed by Annie,
You can buy the pack here, it comes with all the materials (minus adhesive) and instructions to complete the layout. Just like going to a real class only you don't have to leave the comfort of your own home!

Right, back to the big work table to whip up some more inspiration for our wonderful customers!! Hope you are all enjoying a bit of sunshine - we are having peeks of it today!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Lousy Weather Day

It's cold & miserable today which is perfect scrapbooking weather. I wish I was by the fire at home scrapping away, so Cill & I will have to be content with the shop heating instead. I'm in early after dropping the kids off at school to get the heating cranked up so we can get to work on the Christmas crop box - ooops catching up with work. How are you supposed to stay focused knowing that something in the warehouse is far far far more tempting... Christine has her day off today, so there's nobody to keep me in control! We'll see what happens. We're still chasing half a Pebbles order that we need for the crop box gggrrrr - it went missing en route - so after that, who knows!!!!