Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sorry....yet again

Have sooo been trying to get on to update the blog and have been very slack indeed...SORRY. If it isn't hospital appts, or doctors or surgeons it's emptying the bloody shop STILL and we've only done the front - aaagh. I'm still on sureslim and today wanted to knaw off my arm I was sooo hungry. STILL - tomorrow is ANZAC Day as you all well know, and I have decided NOT to make any ANZAC biscuits so I can't eat them all - lol......AS usual, more stuff is going onto trade me, and this weekend, the ladybug will be lifted from her throne and moved to the daycare centre around the corner - and I'll have the perfect title for the page that will EVENTUALLY be scrapbooked - how many men does it take to move a ladybug.......So Saturday afternoon, the street will be blocked for a while as she is taken down. Now that the tables have gone from the shop, the place just totally echos - it seems sooooo wierd. Now I'm off so I can get tea made, sit down and watch dancing with the stars. In true fashion, I'm now over Brendan Pongia - yet most of my friends think that Frank Bunce is hot - so what do you think? I would sooo love Suzanne Paul to take the crown - one for the older generation and all that.....we'll see

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Not got over it yet................

Oh for goodness sake - I'm at the surgeons tomorrow and for a scan on Monday so I needed a good image in my mind - AND A CLEAN ONE MRS BRUNTON.....Have to say that Zeetra sent me an email the other day - one of those particularly crappy days - and I laughed and laughed then laughed some more - it was basically saying - send this email to 10 more people and absolutely jack shit will happen - if you know what I mean. 6cm off may waist this week at sure slim just a sherman tank to go - but Brendon is forever in my thoughts mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dancing With The Stars........Phwar

Who saw Brendon Pongia last night on dancing with the stars - had to turn up my meds for a while. Suzanne Paul was fantastic, but wasn't the eye candy that Brenon was and if you missed it - you sooooooo have to watch the re-run on Sunday. I've got 2 sick kids at the moment (YAY) so I'm off to sort them out - but just had to get this off my chest - lol....God bless Michael Laws for trying..............................

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Well that was Easter.....

Easter seems to have come and gone in our house and left us all depleted of energy :0( Sunday was the Great Egg hunt, and I have one who has devoured his eggs before lunch, and the other who is STILL torturing us all with the speed of a tortoise when eating his chocolate - we are most concerned, as this is a gene that NONE of this family posess....lol.
Yesterday saw us over at Papamoa with friends and LOADS of kids in tow, we also had Rebecca, Belinda and Christine plus families too and ended up with a cricket match for the kids which quickly became an adults grudge match whilst the kids gave up and went to play on the playground - what good wholesome family fun...Not only content with being nackered and worn out, I've been up since 3am in agony and today I feel like crap - but the good part is that everyone else is still reeling from the long weekend to so even the boys are quiet - my prayers have really been answered. This week see's a new aim to get even more stuff onto Trade Me and I've found so many craft books that I'll have to sneak them home to get them online. The bug from our roof has sold :0( but is staying in Putaruru :0) and this week sees the mass exodous of tables etc to the relevant schools, and back on the rounds of hospital visits..NOT for much longer I hope.

It still seems funny when people ask how am I finding it now that I have nothing to do - I WISH...Theres probably enough Trade Me stuff to keep me & Becks busy until October - lol.

Oh well off to make lunch, then a nanna nap I think....

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Happy Easter everyone....Have finally had 2 days in the garden, gardening my style - ordering J around on the tractor, pulling out trees & shrubs AGAIN.... The kids are desperate for the Easter Bunny to arrive and the eldest thinks that because he knows "the truth" and hasn't blabbed to the youngest - that he deserves an extra egg. Tomorrow he will learn the harsh reality called life - lol. Everyone is soooo excited for Easter, well thet i'm not in hospital - phew. The egg hunt is planned, and I've gone way over the top making laminated clues for the kids (and friends kids) and a lunch - which we're all looking forward to.....The camera is at the ready, and at last I can scrap again, though how much time I will get through the holidays - we'll just have to see. The next round of hospital stuff is at the end of the holidays, so that will get J & me out for the day without the boys - whoo hoo something to keep the sanity - YAY.
So stay safe over the Easter break & don't forget the photies.....

Monday, April 02, 2007

Guess Where I've Been....

Yep spent most of last week stuck between hospital and packing a major sad......Spent most of the week between surgeons & hospital visits and the one day that I didn't have to go to the hospital, Becks and I went over to the childrens ward taking over all of the off-cuts and old stickers much to the delight of the craft co-ordinator who was also a scrapbooker.....We've got invites on the go for the Rotorua and Hamilton ladies and about 6 hours short in each day. Becks has dyed her hair blonde and I'm about to kill my kids and both Becks and I have come into the shop tonight for a huge rest.....ooops to get the place tidy, so until next time :0)