Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Today is the first day that I have been able to stay home in the morning and deal to my washing and what I've discovered is alarming....I think that my boys seem to be wearing a pair of undies for every hour that they are awake....aaahhhhggghhh, I wish that they could do the same with their clothes! I don't know how many times I have to turn them back to their rooms with the same old conversation:

Me: You wore that yesterday
Them: Yes but it's still clean
Me: No it has bits of food on it from dinner
Them: Yes but if I hold my arm like this nobody will be able to see it.
Me: But I saw it
Them: But you knew that it was there
Me: - I say nothing and just give them "THAT" look
- they turn around and change their tee shirt under duress

Why does it have to happen like this every day...The thing is, I know that in 3 - 4 years time they will be piling me up with washing when their tee shirts have the slightest speck of dust on them.....Is this a boy thing, or all kids in general???????

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The perfect excuse.....

Okay - so this is my perfect excuse for not posting - well as well as loading stuff onto trade me too. Meet the new member of the family - Izzie - and of course she has us all running around after her like lunatics.....She really was sleep, hanging off the sofa-lol. She fits in with us very well here as she is as mad as a meat axe- but has a hint of sassyness with way too much cuteability factor too. So dh has his birthday pressie early, and we all get to share it too :0)

Friday, May 04, 2007

Well another week gone by...

Eldest has spent the week in Auckland, as has Bex's eldest too, and Bex and I have spent the week winding down at the shop - which is our terminoligy for hiding from out kids & hubbies with a bag of lollies (not exactly sureslim, but this week I really didn't give a shit :-0) Will promise to post over the weekend with the bug removal piccies......