Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How Hot Is It??

Just had to run to catch the bank and I think that a few lawsuits will be on their way for emotional stress at the sight of it. It's sooooo hot & humid and the extra kilos don't help. Actually just thinking of the sight makes me laugh - and most others cry. But I made it and that's the main thing even if it took be alot longer to get back to the shop! Just been informed by BasicGrey that our product will be due mid March as they are still processing orders from the end of January....BREEEEAAAAATTTHHHE! Forgot to tell you yesterday about the 7 gypsies rub ons and today we've got more 7 gypsies tabs and embellishments and stamps online today. Don't forget that the class that is on tomorrow night is available in kit form online on Friday until next Thursday or until we've sold out....Big full collections of American Traditional will be on route as soon as, and we're having a huge change around with our suppliers soon - so look out for that over the next few weeks & months, ALL EXCITING............Just looked up & seen an entire row of 7 gypsies that hasn't gone online yet, so I'll turn the fans back on and get back to work.....


Anonymous said...

I'd like to try an online class ... where do I find out which class is being offered ... when?

Anonymous said...

Which class kit is available this week please?