Friday, March 31, 2006

This week we have been mostly.........

The reason behind the theme for this weeks class in a pack is incredibly sad, but gets you to think! The blog title comes from the Fast Show, a UK comedy where an old guy would appear from behind a door and say - this week i have been mostly (eating chipolatas and so on), I have yet to understand why we would laugh histerically at his statements (may be is being a mad english girl) or maybe it was youth... We had another youth death in the town this week - John, a 13 year old boy who was a victim of a tragic accident at home, and this folows Alex's suicide at 12 years old a few weeks ago and town has this incredible sadness around it. Probably because it is a small town, it seems to affect everyone and then you see photos of your own kids and realise with odd statements they make how serious young life has become. Tom - my 7 year old had school ring me in the week to came and get him - he was devastated as he had split his pants and told me it was the most humiliating day of his life!!! The story gave the adults a great laugh, and I finally got him to see the funny side - I had to, with the thought of how many years he has left, that's a whole lot of humiliation - so this weekend, make the theme of your time be LAUGHTER and record it.....Get together with friends, have a good time, rent a funny movie, do something silly with -or to- your kids - or to yourself. We've laughed at the shop this week with things that we used to do as kids - WHY NOT DO ONE THING THAT'S FOOLISH THIS WEEKEND!!! Yet another bad scan/hospital visit this week made me completely pack a sad,( or throw my toys out of the cot and take my skipping rope home as my beloved husband said) - i would have far preferred spoilt brat, it's far more girly- BUT all said and done, it gave us a darned good laugh after - I blew off steam and why oh why oh why is it sooooo much funnier after the event!!! Mental note - Take a funny photo, and load it onto the gallery into the good photos section - go on we dare you - remember - you could give someone else a good laugh who needs it! PUSH THOSE BUTTONS!!!!!!!

If you're going to be able to look back on something
and laugh about it,
you might as well laugh about it now. Marie Osmond
How true is that!
Until the morning.....

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