Saturday, December 22, 2007

Inspiration found today....

Was stuck at home today not very well - and realised that Sam is 11 next Saturday. He's having some of the boys over for a campout so I made him these invites - it was easy because there's only 4 to make. The first part of working out the sizes on the computer for the side triangles took the longest, then the rest just flowed - they weren't planned this way, they just happened...Sam dropped one on the way to the car, and I did the old - great Sam, they only took 3 hours to make (oops), at the last drop off point, they were ooohing & aahhhing over them and said - lord, these must have taken forever to make - and yes you guessed that I played it down (like we all do) and said they were just something rustled up this afternoon - to which Sam turned round and said - but you said they took forever to make - WOAH - that totally came round and bit me on the bum......

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